Outlet of Mannard Lake, outlet of lakes Argoub and Ovale, outlet of lake Artémis, outlet of lakes Cri-Cri and “De la Hutte”, outlet of Djebel Lake, outlet of Hérépian Lake, outlet of Véria Lake, outlet of Tooke Lake, outlet of lakes Laplume and Audon.
The surface of lake Rohault is usually frozen from early November to mid-May, however, safe ice circulation is generally from mid-November to mid-April.
Lake Rohault and Poutrincourt Lake constitute the most important water bodies of the zone of the higher part of the Normandin River which is a tributary of the Ashuapmushuan River that empties into Lac Saint-Jean. It is located at the western end of the MRC Le Domaine-du-Roy. This lake has a length of 16.3 kilometres (10.1 mi), a maximum width of 5.6 kilometres (3.5 mi) and an altitude of 402 metres (1,319 ft). The outline of the lake has a complex shape.
Lake Rohault has a peninsula attached to the north shore and extending over 8.3 kilometres (5.2 mi) towards the center of the lake. This lake has about a hundred islands, the largest of which lies on the North 5.9 kilometres (3.7 mi) side along the west shore of the lake. A strip of land stretching northward on 11.3 kilometres (7.0 mi) distinguishes Lake Rohault and Lake Bouteroue (located on the east side). On the east side, Gaudreau Bay extends northward for 11.6 kilometres (7.2 mi). The current flows through this bay to the mouth of the lake at the bottom of another bay on the east side.
The mouth of Lake Rohault is located at:
8.5 kilometres (5.3 mi) north-west of the mouth of the Bouteroue Lake;
10.2 kilometres (6.3 mi) northwest of the mouth of Bouteroue Creek (confluence with the Normandin River);
19.7 kilometres (12.2 mi) northwest of the mouth of Poutrincourt Lake;