Educated at St. Columb's College, he has written more than twenty books about British and Irish military history ranging from the Williamite wars through to the Second World War.[1]
Doherty's father, J.J. Doherty, a native of County Tyrone and a British AA artillery gunner, served during the Second World War, as did four of Richard's uncles. J.J. Doherty died of cancer, a result of complications from wounds suffered during the war. His mother Anna Coyle, who also died of cancer, came from a nationalist background. His parents married at St Eugene's Cathedral, Derry. Richard Doherty was a Royal Ulster Constabulary reservist from 1972 to 1974 and also served in the Territorial Army. He resides in Prehen, County Londonderry.[2] Richard Doherty was appointed High Sheriff of Londonderry City (2020-21).[3]