Responding in part to a sermon defending the French Revolution given by the Dissenting clergyman Richard Price entitled A Discourse on the Love of Our Country (1789), Burke published his Reflections on the Revolution in France in an effort to advance arguments for the current aristocratic government. Because Burke had been part of the liberalWhig Party, a critic of monarchical power, a supporter of the American Revolutionaries and a critic of government corruption in India, most of Britain expected him to support the French revolutionaries. By failing to do so, he shocked the populace and angered his friends and supporters.[4] Burke's book sold 30,000 copies in two years.[5] The Reflections defended "the aristocratic concepts of paternalism, loyalty, chivalry, the hereditary principle" and property.[5]
Burke criticized the view of many British thinkers and writers who had welcomed the early stages of the French Revolution.[6] The radicals saw the revolution as analogous to Britain's own Glorious Revolution in 1688, which had restricted the powers of the Stuart monarchy, Burke argued that the appropriate historical analogy was the English Civil War (1642–1651) in which Charles I had been executed in 1649. Burke viewed the French Revolution as the violent overthrow of a legitimate government and contended that citizens do not have the right to overthrow their government. Civilisations and governments, he maintained, are the result of social and political consensus, and their traditions ought not to be challenged since the result would be anarchy.
Radicals such as William Godwin, Thomas Paine and Mary Wollstonecraft argued for republicanism and other radical ideas for their time.[7] Most of those who came to be called radicals emphasized the same themes, namely, "a sense of personal liberty and autonomy"; "a belief in civic virtue"; "a hatred of corruption"; an opposition to war because it profited only the "landed interest"; and a critique of the monarchy and the aristocracy and its perceived desire to draw power away from the House of Commons.[8] Many of their works were published by Joseph Johnson, who was eventually jailed for his seditious activities. The Birmingham bookseller James Belcher was also jailed for seditious writings in 1793 for publishing Paine's Letter addressed to the addressers on the late proclamation.[9]