Records of Kangxi's Travel Incognito is a Chinese television series revolves around the Manchu-ruling Qing Empire monarch Kangxi Emperor (Zhang Guoli) and the corruption he faces as he tries to make the government run efficiently. The series was directed by Zhang Guoli and produced by Deng Jie.[1] The series consists of a total of 144 episodes shot in high definition, each 45 minutes long. The series is based on the events in the Kangxi era of the reign of Kangxi Emperor during the Qing Dynasty. The series also features Kangxi Emperor's family member and entourage in prominent roles and storylines, most notably his Concubine Yi (Deng Jie) and eunuch Sandezi (Zhao Liang) and Buddhist monk Fayin (Hou Kun), and Concubine Yi's servant girl Xiao Taohong (Liu Miao).[2][3] The program originally aired from 1998 to 2007, spanning five seasons and 144 episodes. For the first four seasons, the show starred Zhang Guoli and Deng Jie as Kangxi Emperor and Concubine Yi respectively. In the last season, John Lone and Irene Wan became the stars.