Karuwai Marae and Te Rehu ā Karuwai meeting house, north of Rangitukia at the end of a gravel road,[6][1]
is a meeting place for the Ngāti Porou hapū of Te Whānau a Karuwai and Te Whānau a Karuai.[5] In October 2020, the government committed $5,756,639 from the Provincial Growth Fund to upgrade the marae and 28 other Ngāti Porou marae, creating an estimated 205 jobs.[7]
Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Tapere-Nui-A-Whatonga is a Year 1–8 co-educational Māori immersion school.[8] In 2019, it was a decile 1 school with an enrollment of 19.[9][10]