Ram Ram Gangaram is a 1977 Indian Marathi-language drama film directed and produced by Dada Kondke under the banner of Dada Kondke Productions. It stars Kondke himself with Usha Chavan, Ashok Saraf and Anjana Mumtaz. The music is composed by Raamlaxman, editing is by N. S. Vaidya and cinematography is handled by Arvind Lad.[1]
The film originally titled Gangaram Vis Kalmi reportedly made reference to Indira Gandhi's Twenty-Point Economic Programme during the Emergency, and the picture itself was meant to be a political satire. This may have contributed to the film's censoring issues. Under this new title, a partially reedited edition was released.[2][3]
After his wealthy uncle passes away, Gangaram inherits a million dollars and leaves his village to live in Bombay, where he must deal with his mother's ignorance and his uncle's dishonest manager. Disillusioned, he returns to the village and his beloved Gangi after giving up his money.