Once upon a time, Tirumala Nayaka & Rama Raju ruled the neighboring kingdoms with arch-rivalry. Tirumala Nayaka joins hands with a dacoit Bhupati. Hence, Rama Raju's son Jayachandra goes there to negotiate with the reverse Emperor for peace and to seize black guards. Since Jayachandra fails, he covertly proceeds to Sridevi, the daughter of Tirumala Nayaka, on the guidance of her governess, Vimala, when she falls for him. Meanwhile, Bhupati ploys and clutches the fort with his nephew Kiriti & daughter Ramani and prisons, all including Jayachandra. Here, Ramani endears Jayachandra and proposes to him, which he repudiates and despises. Next, stanch Rajaguru Sadananda Swamy posts his disciple Gajapati to stick with Bhupati & gang to grab the secrets. Parallelly, Bhupathi imposes the death penalty on Tirumala Nayaka when Rajaguru attempts to shield him, but in vain, and he is hanged. To seek vengeance, Vimala traps Bhupati and kills him. The next day, Ramani becomes a potentate who acquits Vimala and bestows the kingdom on Sridevi. Jayachandra senses her virtue and reciprocates her love. It begrudges Sridevi, so she subterfuges to wipe her out, but by mistake Vimala dies. At this, Sridevi incriminates Ramani and joins hands with Kiriti who wants to marry Ramani. Anyhow, Jayachandra & Ramani escape with the support of Gajapati. After landing in their kingdom, all suppose Ramani is Sridevi, but before their nuptial Rama Raju gets to the bottom via Sridevi, who accuses Ramani of being a murderer. Ergo, Rama Raju expels her. After an intense argument, Jayachandra also quits in quest of Ramani. Amid this, Kiriti & Sridevi strike on the two when Jayachandra stamps out Kiriti and Sridevi makes an assassination attempt on Ramani, but alas, she only dies. At last, Rama Raju arrives, divulging the actuality when Gajapati grasps the eminence of Ramani. Finally, the movie ends on a happy note with the marriage of Jayachandra & Ramani.