The series is directed by Suyash Vadhavkar and Shahriyar Afsan Ovro and produced by Ekta Kapoor and Shobha Kapoor.
Season 1
The story revolves around the life of Simran (Riya Sen), and Ragini (Karishma Sharma). The uncanny haunting that they witness at an old deserted college is at the heart of this story. Running behind the scandalous MMS CD, which has thrilling mysteries and dark secrets to unwind, is what awaits the two in search to fight the freakish energy that surrounds them.
Season 2
Meena (Sunny Leone), a paranormal investigator, arrives in India from Canada. She visits the Victoria Villa that is said to have been haunted by the ghost of Captain Burns. Meena, along with her boyfriend, Rajeev (Navdeep), are killed by the ghost. Eleven years later, Ragini (Divya Agarwal) and her friends decide to celebrate their friend's Bachelorette party at Victoria Villa.