Even as a boy, Radin traveled with his father around the family estates, followed the completion of the construction of the town of Borač, and worked with his father on plans for the construction of other towers and city walls under the family's administration. Radin's father's name was Jablan, from whom he got the surname Jablanić.
As early as 1355, he took over the management of the family estates, when Bosnia was ruled by BanStjepan Tvrtko I Kotromanić. In thirty years at the head of the family, he succeeded to increase the family estates many times over. Thus, in 1373, he expanded his possessions to the entire left bank of the Drina river up to Srebrenica, in the north to Birač and northwest to town of Olovo, in the south to Foča, thus holding the greater part of the eastern borderlands of Banate of Bosnia. In 1377, he helped ban Tvrtko I to take over Trebinje and the Dubrovnik hinterland of Konavle, for which he was awarded Trebinje and the wider area by the ban.
"Земља Павловића: средњи вијек и период турске владавине". зборник радова са научног скупа Рогатица, 27–29. јуна 2002. Бања Лука; Српско Сарајево: Академија наука и умјетности Републике Српске: 203–210. 2003.
"Кнез Павле Раденовић и Котор". Земља Павловића: средњи вијек и период турске владавине: 203–210. 2003.