Rabbit Trap is an upcoming 2025 British psychological horror film written and directed by Bryn Chainey in his full-length feature debut, and starring Dev Patel and Rosy McEwen. It is produced by Bankside Films with SpectreVision.
Set in 1973, the life of a married couple changes following their relocation to an isolated cabin in Wales.[2]
Producing are Elijah Wood and Daniel Noah’s SpectreVision and Lawrence Inglee with Elisa Lleras, Alex Ashworth and Sean Marley.[3] Dev Patel stars and also acts as executive producer alongside Wiser Film’s Benjamin Kramer, Carte Blanche’s Kyle Stroud, Tom Ogden, Bankside Films’ Stephen Kelliher and Sophie Green.[4]
Lucrecia Dalt acts as composer on the project, alongside sound designer Graham Reznick and sound supervisor Brent Kiser.[5]