Quercus mohriana, commonly known as the Mohr oak, shin oak or scrub oak, is a North American evergreen shrub or small tree in the white oak group and is native to the south-central United States and north-central Mexico.[2][3] The species epithetmohriana honors the pharmacist and botanist Charles Mohr of Alabama.[4]
The Mohr oak can be a small tree up to 6 meters (20 feet) high or a large thicket-forming shrub. The bark is light brown, rough and deeply furrowed. The twigs are yellowish or whitish, with short velvety hairs, becoming smooth with age. The buds are dark red-brown, sparsely covered with hairs. The leaves are shiny, leathery, dark blue-gray and densely covered with light gray hairs underneath.[5] They have entire margins and are occasionally toothed. The inflorescence, which appears in spring, is reddish. There are female catkins with one to three flowers and male catkins with numerous flowers. The acorn cups are deep and the acorns grow singly or in pairs and are light brown, broadly ovoid with a rounded apex.[2]
^Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. 1992. Plant communities of Texas (Series level): February 1992. Austin, TX: Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Texas Natural Heritage Program. 38 p.