The film begins with ASP Dinesh Jugran suspecting a ferocious itinerant, Suraj, and arrests him. In custody, he quiets despite facing severe torture. He succeeds in breaking the bars when he gets shot, and Dr. Sunita rescues worn-out Suraj. Dinesh accepts it as a challenge to seize him. Meanwhile, Sunita detects Suraj as an accused when he spins back. He is a village resident, and his father, Yashpal, a pleasant man, strives to civilize him and return him as worthy. In tandem, Suraj loves Jyoti, the daughter of Bansilal, a village tyrant. Being conscious of it, he envies and auctions Yashpal’s property for his outstanding loan, leading to his death and slave driver Suraj.
Moreover, Raghu, a sidekick of Bansilal, hoodwinks Suraj‘s widowed sister, Seeta. Later, he plans to scapegoat her to a forest officer, Sudarshan, for their gain. Then, Seeta revolts when the three brutally kill her and incriminate Suraj. Listening to it, Sunita joins him as she holds the previous rivalry with them. Dinesh also tracks Suraj until he flees. At that point, Bansilal is intrigued by slaying Sunita, who again charges Suraj. Now, the court penalizes the death to him. Amid prison, he absconds and lands in a forest. Following, Dinesh hunts, and Jyoti reaches therein to persuade Suraj to surrender but fails. Bansilal deploys Raghu to capture with the aid of Sudarshan. However, Suraj wipes out two, and Dinesh hands Jyoti to Bansilal. At last, after a severe encounter, Suraj ceases Bansi Lal. Finally, the movie ends with Suraj proceeding with his sentence.