20-year-old Katarina (Alicia Vikander) finds solace in Mozart's music despite the difficult circumstances she lives in. Her mother is an alcoholic, and she relies on her boyfriend Mattias (Martin Wallström) for support. Despite having little in common, Mattias accompanies Katarina to a classical concert to fulfil her love for Mozart. However, after a fight with some students, Katarina loses her job at the school and finds herself wandering aimlessly.
By chance, she ends up at the municipal concert hall, where she is mistaken for a job seeker and invents a dramatic story about her mother. This leads to her being hired as a receptionist. Katarina pretends to be the daughter of an Australian concert pianist who died from cancer. As she immerses herself in the world of classical music, she becomes distant from both Mattias and her mother.
Eventually, Katarina is promoted to a higher position in the youth department of the concert hall. There, she meets a conductor named Adam, who is much older and has a family. Despite Katarina's lie being exposed, Adam remains interested in her due to the mystery surrounding her as the orphan of a concert pianist.