Princession Orchestra (プリンセッション・オーケストラ, Purinsesshon Ōkesutora) is an upcoming original Japanese anime television series produced by King Records, Aria Entertainment and Takara Tomy and animated by Silver Link, with Akifumi Kaneko credited with the original plan and Noriyasu Agematsu of Elements Garden as the executive producer. It is directed by Shin Oonuma and written by Manta Aisora, with Elements Garden composing the music. Original character designs are provided by Mari Shimazaki, while Yukiko Akiyama adapts the designs for animation. It is set to premiere in April 2025.[1][2] The opening theme song is "Zettai Utahime Sengen!" (I Declare Myself a Total Diva!) performed by the musical unit Orcheria (Azusa Aoi Yuri Fujimoto, and Azusa Tachibana).[3]