Pratyush and Mihir are two High Performance Computing (HPC) units. They are located at two government institutes, one being 4.0 PetaFlops unit at IITM, Pune and another 2.8 PetaFlops unit at the National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (NCMRWF), Noida. They provide a combined output of 6.8 PetaFlops.[4][2]
The High Performance Computing (HPC) facility in India has grown from 40 TeraFlops in 2008 to 1 PetaFlops in the year 2013–14.[4] But India still remained at a lower position in terms of HPC infrastructure rankings in the world.[4]
Government of India approved 400 crore Rupees in 2017 to build a supercomputer with a computing capacity of 10 PetaFlops.[1] The engineers of IITM, Pune worked under the leadership of Suryachandra A Rao and built Pratyush in 2018.[5] The overall cost was around 450 crore Indian Rupees.[4]
With the introduction of Pratyush and Mihir, India hopes to move from the 165th position to gain a position in the top 30s in the Top500 list of supercomputers in the world.[6]