Power Grid Bangladesh PLC abbreviated as Power Grid is the sole organization of Government of Bangladesh entrusted with transmission of power throughout the country.[1] It is a government owned Public Limited Company which is listed at the Dhaka and Chittagong Stock Exchange. It was previously known as Power Grid Company of Bangladesh Ltd and was abbreviated as PGCB.
Power Grid has been enlarging electricity transmission network system Since the establishment in 1996. The main purpose of the company is to ensure effective management of national power grid of Bangladesh. To achieve this purpose, Power Grid has been devising required plan, conducting primary feasibility study, doing research, preparation of Substation & transmission Line design and constructing transmission lines and Grid Sub-station. In addition, Power Grid is doing operation and maintenance of transmission line, grid sub-station & National load dispatch center (NLDC). It also owns a strong internal communication network facilities consist of optical fiber. Presently, Power Grid has 400 kV, 230 kV and 132 kV transmission lines across the country. In addition, Power Grid has 400/230 kV grid substations, 400/132 kV grid substations, 230/132 kV grid substations, 230/33 kV grid substations and 132/33 kV grid substation. Besides, Power Grid has been connected with India through a 1000 MW 400 kV HVDC Back to Back station (equipped with two blocks). To implement “Vision 2041” in the light of Master Plan of the government in power sector, Power Grid is gradually building strong national grid network.[2][3][4][5]
Vision & Mission
Vision: Economic upliftment of the country by reaching electricity to all through reliable transmission.
Mission: Efficient and effective management of national power grid for reliable and quality transmission of electricity throughout the country.[6]
Power Grid at a Glance
Power Grid Bangladesh at a Glance
Corporate Office
Grid Bhaban, Avenue-3, Jahurul Islam City, Aftabnagar, Badda, Dhaka-1212
Dispatch Capacity at 33kV level: 30,744 MW (Including all organizations)[8]
Function of Power Grid
The main operating function of Power Grid Bangladesh is wheeling of energy from power stations owned by BPDB, Government Generation Companies, IPP & Adani-Power-India etc. to Distribution entities utilizing transmission network. Power Grid gets its energy wheeling charge from its clients(distribution entities) at the rate fixed by Bangladesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (BERC).[9] Power Grid also gets a huge revenue by giving rent its reliable optical fiber to ISP.
Customers of Power Grid
All the distribution Company of Bangladesh are the customer of Power Grid. They take power mostly at 33 KV Voltage level. Some of them take power at 132 KV Voltage level. The name of these company are BPDB, all PBS, NESCO, WZPDCL, DESCO & DPDC. In addition, Some industries like BSRM, KSRM etc. take power from Power Grid directly at 132KV & 230 KV Voltage level.[10]
Power Grid Bangladesh is an Organization holding certificate of latest version ISO 9001:2015 of International Standard of Quality Management. Moreover, It has achieved internationally recognized standard BS ISO 45001:2018 related to professional security management in workplace.[1]