Population 11 is a comedy drama television series that premiered on the Australian streaming service Stan on 14 March 2024. Created by Phil Lloyd and starring Ben Feldman, it is inspired by the 2017 disappearance of Paddy Moriarty in the Northern Territory;[3] it centres on Feldman's character attempting to solve the disappearance of his estranged father from a small town in the Australian outback home to only a dozen residents, who all end up as suspects.[1]
Perry Mooney as Cassie Crick, an 'outsider' who "comes to Andy's aid", "they find themselves in increasing danger as they delve into the secrets" of the town.[1]
In 2022, Stan entered an "originals development partnership" with studio Lionsgate,[6] which included the development of what was originally entitled Population: 11 as one of the first three titles to emerge from the deal.[7] It is the second programme, following Prosper, to be co-commissioned by Stan and Lionsgate.[8]
The series is produced by Jungle Entertainment in association with Factor 30 Films,[1] with major production investment from Screenwest, Lotterywest and the Western Australian Regional Screen Fund (WARSF),[9] development supported by Stan, financially supported by Screen NSW,[1] and international distribution handled by Lionsgate.[3]
Nine News reported that the series' similarity to the story of the disappearance of Moriarty can be found in that both the town in which he disappeared from (Larrimah), and the town depicted in the series, both had a dozen residents - which fell to 11 - at the time, and so all "residents in the area became suspects in an ongoing police investigation".[10]
Executive producers Lloyd and O'Donnell last worked together on The Moodys.[1]
The show was filmed entirely in the Kimberley in Western Australia, with production commencing in mid-2023 "based out of" Derby.[9] It is the first Stan original to be filmed in Western Australia to be shown on the platform.[1]
Ahead of the series' launch on 14 March 2024, a first-look trailer was released on 31 January 2024.[1]
A premiere screening of the series was held in Luna Leederville in Perth on 10 March 2024, with many leading cast and crew in attendance.[11]