The Polish Defense is the name commonly given to one of several sequences of chessopening moves characterized by an early ...b5 by Black. The name "Polish Defense" is given by analogy to the Polish Opening, 1.b4. The original line was
as played by Alexander Wagner, a Polish player and openings analyst, against Kuhn in the 1913 Swiss Correspondence Championship. Wagner published an analysis of the opening in Deutsches Wochenschach in 1914, when he was living in Stanislau, Galicia, Austria-Hungary (now Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine).[1]
With ...b5, Black tries to take control of c4, but 1.d4 b5 is generally considered dubious after 2.e4, threatening 3.Bxb5. Modern Chess Openings (MCO-14, 1999) allots two columns to the Polish, commenting that the variants where Black waits and plays 2...b5 instead of 1...b5 are much safer.[2] Earlier editions of MCO give only a single column of analysis and consider only the 2...b5 lines. MCO-9 (1957) states that the Polish "fails because it neglects the centre".[3] That negative verdict was softened in the next edition, MCO-10 (1965), to say that the Polish "neglects the centre, but is not refuted".[4]MCO-12 (1982) retains the "not refuted" assessment and notes that the Polish can result by transposition from the Réti system.[5] Other judgments have been harsher. The 1...b5 Polish was deemed "entirely valueless" by I. A. Horowitz in 1964.[6]
The Polish is closely related to the St. George Defence (1.e4 a6, usually followed by 2.d4 b5) into which it often transposes. Boris Spassky played 1.d4 b5 against Tigran Petrosian in the decisive 22nd game of their world championship match in 1966. Spassky equalized,[7] but rejected an opportunity to draw, as he was behind by a point in the match and with at most three games remaining, he was practically forced to play for a win. Petrosian won the game, thus ensuring retention of his title.[8]
A related line, into which this can transpose, is 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 e6 3.g3 b5. In both of these lines Black reacts to White's Ng1-f3 and g2-g3 by contesting the fianchetto on the h1-a8 diagonal and gaining some space on the queen's side, taking the view that b7-b5 is superior to b7-b6.[16]
After 1.Nf3 Nf6 2.g3 b5 play typically continues 3.Bg2 Bb7 4.0-0 e6 and White now has a choice of setups. 5.d4 transposes into the 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 e6 3.g3 b5 line mentioned above, 5.d3 usually leads to a King's Indian Attack setup after the follow up e2-e4 (though c2-c4 and other setups are also possible), while 5.b3 is a more offbeat try. An alternative plan for White is to contest Black's queen's side expansion with an early a2-a4 or Nb1-a3.
Kapitaniak, Thomas and Paul Janicki (1988). The Polish Defense. Chess Enterprises. ISBN 0-931462-80-0.
Konikowski, Jerzy; Soszynski, Marek (2022). The Polish Defense: Systems for Black Based on ...b5. Russell Enterprises. ISBN978-1949859546.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)