Plumíferos (Free Birds: Flying Adventures) is a 2010 Argentine animated adventure comedy film, produced by CS Entertainment, Manos Digitales Animation Studio, and 100 Bares Producciones, and was released on February 18, 2010 in Argentina. The film was directed by Daniel DeFelippo and Gustavo Giannini.
"It's an everyday universe that exists 7 feet over our heads. They are city birds that you can find in every tree or every corner."
The project was completed in 2009 and released in theaters in Argentina on February 18, 2010.[1]
Luisana Lopilato as Feifi, a canary that escapes from the cage of a network tycoon, Mr. Puertas, and starts trying a new life in freedom as a common bird.
Mariano Martínez as Juan, a house sparrow that feels ordinary and underestimates his own race. Accidentally, he changes the way he looks, and the same reason that will make him feel unique is what is going to put his life in danger.
The film's animation was done by Manos Digitales Animation Studio, using Blender and other open source software for all 3D models, animation, lighting and render process, under Linux operating systems. Since then, Plumíferos is the first feature film to be 100% completely animated in Blender.
Birds of Paradise
Birds of Paradise is the English dub of Plumíferos.[2] This English-language version was released direct-to-video in the United States on 1 April 2014 from Lionsgate Home Entertainment.[3] Barbara Schultz of Common Sense Media awarded the film three stars out of five.[4] English voice cast: