This perennialherb grows up to 80 centimeters tall.[3] It has waxy, serrated leaves and blooms in tubular pink flowers between April and August.[2]
This plant grows only on volcanic fields around Sunset Crater in one Arizona county. It grows in openings and around Ponderosa pines.[3] It is a fire-adapted species.[4] It may be threatened by off-road vehicle use and by hybridization with other Penstemon.[5]
^Fulé, P. Z., et al. Response of a Rare Endemic, Penstemon clutei, to Burning and Reduced Belowground Competition. Southwestern rare and endangered plants: proceedings of the third conference; September 25–28; Flagstaff, AZ. In: Maschinski, Joyce; Holter, Louella, editors. 2000. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. Fort Collins, CO (Proceedings RMRS-P-23). pp. 139-152.