Sindhi Pathan (Sindhi: پٺاڻ) or Pathans in Sindh are the name of ancestral Pashtun communities living in Sindh for centuries that have adopted the norms and culture of Sindh.
Moreover, a large minority of Pashto-speaking Pashtuns exist in the cities of Karachi and, to a lesser extent, Interior Sindh, who have migrated after around the 60's and 70's and even a portion of these Pashtuns are Afghan refugees. Also, it's estimated that 30% of the Urdu-speaking Muhajirs of Karachi and Hyderabad make a claim to the ancestry of Pashtuns that mostly assimilated into North Indian culture. They have arrived in the cities after the India-Pakistan partition. Pashto-speaking Pashtuns are highly distinct from ancestrally Pashtun Urdu-speaking Muhajirs as well as ancestrally Pashtun Sindhi-speakers.