Production on the film began in March 2019, with the project marking the debut of director Manoj Damodaran, who had previously apprenticed under A. Sarkunam. Reported as a comedy with a science-fiction fantasy element, Aadhi was signed on to play the lead role, with Hansika Motwani in a role that would not represent the "typical Tamil cinema heroine".[1]Pallak Lalwani and Yogi Babu joined the team in further roles, with the makers hoping to complete and release the film within a period of six months.[2][3]
The COVID-19 pandemic subsequently delayed the completion and release of the film, with the makers later preparing the film for a mid-2023 release.[4] At the audio launch of the film in July 2023, alleged sexist comments made by comedian Robo Shankar were widely criticised.[5]
The music for the film was composed by Santhosh Dhayanidhi.[6] The song "Raati" composed for 7UP Madras Gig was reused.
Narayani M of Cinema Express gave it 2 out of 5 stars and wrote, "Partner could have worked well if there had been genuine efforts in writing good comedy."[8] Logesh Balachandran of The Times of India gave the film 2 out of 5 stars and wrote, "Aadhi Pinisetty's Partner contributes to the collection of mindless comedic films in Tamil cinema that struggle to elicit genuine laughter."[9]