The IBA contains the lower Paroo floodplain, including the overflow lakes, as well as the Yantabulla swamp and the Cuttaburra Creek floodplain. The area contains a complex network of channels, wetlands and lakes. Water is received from local rainfall or the Paroo River. Floods occur erratically; water enters from the Paroo, the Warrego River via Cuttaburra Creek and other channels, or backs up from the Darling River in the south, filling shallow channels, floodplain depressions and numerous ephemeral lakes. Ranging to 5.5 m in depth, some lakes retain water for up to three years. The shores and channels support samphire, lignum, canegrass and other grasses, with black-box and other riparian woodlandcommunities which flood seasonally. Currawinya National Park also has Acaciashrublands on sand sheets and dunes. The region has a desert climate, with low and very variable rainfall usually falling in summer; mean annual rainfall at Currawinya is 278 mm.[3]