The TV Series began production in April 2012, trailers were shown on July 1, 2012 on its ABS-CBN account of its second quarter of new TV Drama Programs. The TV Series was named Isla (Island), and on October 18, 2012 the title confirmed to a new name Paraiso (Paradise). The series marks the first team up of Matteo Guidicelli and Jessy Mendiola, it is also Jewel Mische's first teleserye lead role in ABS-CBN. Denise Laurel, who previously starred on its predecessor Pintada, also joined the cast in the middle of the series as the main antagonist.
Paraiso tells the story of two strangers, Brennan and Yanie, who get stranded on an island after their ship gets wrecked. Romance blooms between them as they spend time alone on the island, but the two strangers are not without their respective baggage from the "real world". Brennan is married to his dedicated wife Megan, while Yanie's childhood best friend Justin has untold feelings for the young woman. The romance that grows between Yanie and Brennan will set off a series of twists and conflicts after the two gets back to their own lives in Manila.[1]