The City of San Diego annexed the land in 1964 to build low-density housing in the area, which was previously known then as Rancho Del Sol.[4]
Rancho Del Sol was largely used for agriculture prior to suburbanization, as it was largely made up of tomato and strawberry farms, as well as plant nurseries.[4]
Rancho de los Diablos
The land was also home to an self-governing, informal migrant farm camp that was known as "Rancho de los Diablos", which housed up to 2,000 residents of the settlement when it first formed in the early 1970's, who worked in the farms and lived off of the land to survive. The encampment was home to a local elected town council, church services, medical clinic, general store, communal bathhouse, brothel, and many sports fields for soccer, basketball, and volleyball. San Diego PD noted that it was a vibrant crystal Methamphetamine hub that was subject to many daily patrols. The settlement was demolished in the summer of 1994 at the request by nearby communities.[5]
The community later moved east to Torrey Highlands after becoming displaced to make way for the Pacific Highlands Ranch development.[4]
Pacific Highlands Ranch
The residential development of Pacific Highlands Ranch was approved by the City of San Diego in 1998, in which the majority of the community was developed by Pardee Homes in the 2000s.[6]
1,300 acres (49 percent) of this community is preserved as natural habitat.[6]
According to January 2010 estimates by the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG),[7] there were 4,224 people and 1,655 households residing in the neighborhood. The estimated racial makeup was 68.5% White, 17.4% Asian & Pacific Islander, 11.7% Hispanic, 1.6% from other races, 0.4% African American, and 0.2% American Indian. The median age was 40.9 with 22.7% under the age of 18 and 13.2% over the age of 65. The estimated median household income was $269,757 (current dollars); 47% of the community made more than $200,000; 52% made between $60,000 and $199,999; and 1% made less than $60,000.
However, the January 1, 2019 SANDAG estimates indicated a total population of 10,422 made up of 3,211 households. The estimated racial & ethnic makeup was 43.1% White, 37.2% Asian, 0.5% Pacific Islander, 10.4% Hispanic, 5% 2 Or More, 2.5% Black, 1% American Indian, and 0.4% Other. The median age was 32.5 with 23.7% under the age of 18 and 11.9% over the age of 65. The estimated median household income was $163,136 in 2010 dollars ($194,434 in the then-current 2018 dollars); in 2010 dollars, 38% of households made $200,000 or more; 47% made between $60,000 and $199,999; and 16% made less than $60,000.[8]