The story is set in India-Bangladesh border areas in West Bengal, often referred to as the Teen Bigha Corridor. Two orphans, friends as kids but separated by fate as they grow up, get entangled in an age-old rivalry between two indigenous groups in the area – the Bengalis and ‘Paharbonghis’.[4]
The trailer of Paashbalish was released on 23 April 2024.[6][7]
The show used a fresh rendition of Jasimuddin and S.D. Burman’s famous song Rongila Re to mount their promotions. The song was recreated by Mrinmoy Sanyal and sung by Snigdhajit Bhowmik. [8]
Paashbalish received mixed reviews. OTTplay commented, "Ishaa Saha, Suhotro Mukhopadhyay, and Saurav Das’ thriller Paashbalish fails to make any mark.’[9]