British television series
Ooh La La! is a British television series that appeared on BBC 2 for three series between 6 April 1968 and 16 June 1973.[1][2][3] It is an anthology series featuring hour-long adaptations of French farces, primarily written by Georges Feydeau but also including work by Sacha Guitry, Eugène Labiche and Marc-Michel. The third and final series was broadcast in 1973.[4] Patrick Cargill starred in all the episodes along with a revolving cast of guest appearances from other actors including Amanda Barrie, Fenella Fielding, Barbara Windsor and Anton Rodgers.
- Halliwell, Leslie. Halliwell's Teleguide. Granada, 1979.
- Mitchell, Glenn. The Chaplin Encyclopedia. B.T. Batsford, 1997.
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