The first and last installments of the seven-part series were each two-hour broadcasts, while the interim episodes were 60 minutes.
The mini-series concerns the thirty year careers of two military men, from the outbreak of World War I to the aftermath of World War II.
Plot summary
Sam Damon (Sam Elliott) is a virile and praiseworthy warrior.
Courtney Massengale (Cliff Potts) is the opposite—an impotent, self-aggrandizing conniver.
The story tracks their journey over 40 years, between the First and Second World Wars, as their lives, and the lives of those around them, change along with the world.
Anton Myrer's book, on which the series is based, is a military novel written in the United States. The novel is noted for its stark descriptions of men in combat and in its analysis of human and technical challenges and the moral dilemmas of command. It is one of only two novels on the US Army's recommended reading list for Officer Professional Development; the other is The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara. A coincidental element to both novels is that Sam Elliott had a starring role in the film adaptation of each one, playing a US Army general officer.[1]