On Wings of Love (大当り三色娘, Ōatari sanshoku musume) is a 1957 Japanese romantic musical film directed by Toshio Sugie. It was Toho's highest-grossing film of the year and the first film released in Tohoscope.
On Wings of Love was the third film in the Sannin Musume series of romantic musical films.[1]
On Wings of Love was released theatrically in Japan on 13 July 1957 where it was distributed by Toho.[1] It was the first film released in Toho Scope, Toho's 2.35:1 anamorphic wide screen system.[1]
The film was Toho highest-grossing film of 1957 and the only film to make the top ten highest-grossing films in Japan in 1957, at ninth place.[1]