Through the warmoviesStalingrad and Hasenjagd a.k.a. The Quality of Mercy he discovered his fondness and ability to play emotional disturbed and volatile characters.
In 2004 he played the German zoologist and wild life activist Bernhard Grzimek who was responsible for the conservation of natural world heritage like the Tanzanian Serengeti National Park.
As a boy of 4 years he grew up with Bernhard Grzimek's monthly TV show and he decided to become this fighting man – 3 decades later that happened.
Also in 2004 he produced the documentary "Zwischen Kopf und Himmel" of a young first time director. It is a movie about the life of women in East Africa.
In 2005 he was a Presenter at the European Film Awards under the direction of Pepe Dankquart.
He is working with a German director on the script of "Rigby". A film about death and the process of dying.
The story explores the question if you are able to live in the presence of your own mortality and transience, what benefits for your life you will get out of it ?!
For research he worked a few weeks in a local hospice.
He will also play the main part in the film.
In 2013 he did the "Raindance Berlin Documentary Foundation Course" (Raindance Film Festival) to expand his abilities as a filmmaker because he started working on two Documentaries for the first time.
From 2013 to 2015 he was Coach and Director for Prison Theater in Women's Prison Berlin - Pankow for the projects "Home" and "Identity".
In Feb. 2021 he took part with 184 other LGBTQIA+ Actors in the Initiative Actout of the famous German SZ-Magazin.