The Okanagan Range or Okanogan Range is a small subrange of the Cascade Range straddling the border between British Columbia and Washington south of the Similkameen River on the inland side of the range. The range is the northeasternmost extremity of the Cascade Range.
According to Fred Beckey there are differences of opinion about the names and locations of the subranges of the northern Cascades, especially between Canadian and American geographers. Nevertheless early geologists and topographers had a fundamental agreement about the location and names of the subranges. The Okanagan Range was seen as bounded by the Pasayten River on the west and continuing east to Chopaka Mountain. The Hozameen Range was seen as separated from the Okanagan Range by the Pasayten River. This definition of the Okanagan Range included most of today's Pasayten Wilderness and extending south to joins the main Cascade Range at Harts Pass, near the headwaters of the Methow River. The core of the Okanagan Range under this definition marks the divide between streams that flow north to the Similkameen River and those that flow south to the Methow River.[1]
BCGNIS defines the northern boundary of the Okanagan Range as Young Creek and the lower Ashnola River.[2] defines the Okanogan Range as a much larger region bounded to the south by the Methow River and to the east by the Okanagan River and Similkameen River.[3]