Weather event in the Western United States
The October 2020 Arctic blast descended over the Western United States in late October, toppling records far and readings plummet to some 40 °F (22 °C) below average.[1] The cold front brought record breaking snowfall and temperature extremes for October in the contiguous United States.[2]
Affected areas
Virtually all of Western United States and Northern area was affected by the Arctic Blast.[3] Temperatures plummeted well below average across many cities.[4] Missoula set a record for its earliest zero-degree reading observed, hitting −7 °F (−22 °C) on 26th October, Missoula also logged its eighth-biggest snowstorm on record, with a hefty 13.8 inches (35 cm) falling in just two days.[5] The snow came sweeping down the Plains too, Wichita had accumulated 1.3 in (3.3 cm) of snow by Monday, the heaviest snow it has experienced so early in a season. Temperature across the states Montana, Colorado, Utah were 20 to 40 °F (11 to 22 °C) below average[6]
See also