Selected energy infrastructure in the northwest. The Northwest Pipeline is shown in light red.
Northwest Pipeline is a natural gas pipeline network which takes gas from western Canada and the Rocky Mountains via the Westcoast Pipeline and brings it into California , either through Gas Transmission Northwest or Kern River . A small amount of gas goes through the San Juan Basin to El Paso Natural Gas . It is owned by the Williams Companies . Its FERC code is 37.[ 1]
Consisting of over 3,900 miles of bi-directional pipeline with 41 compressor stations , it is capable of a peak capacity of 3.8 million dekatherms per day.[ 2]
Klickitat Public Utility District sells landfill gas to Puget Sound Energy that is transported through the Northwest Pipeline.[ 3]
Northwest Pipeline gathers from the Rockies and Canada. Its primary market is the Northwestern states. Its biggest market is the greater Seattle area.
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