The museum is sponsored by the North American Wildlife Enforcement Officers Association and aims to raise the professional profile and celebrate the work of game wardens and conservation officers.[1] This museum's states on its website that its purpose is to "honor these heroes and educate the public about their work and the natural resources they protect."[2]
This museum has been located at the International Peace Garden since its inception. Founded on a temporary basis in the 1990s, the permanent museum opened in 2005 at the same location "for its natural beauty, central North American location and recognition as an international tourism destination."[2]
Its underlying purpose is to raise the professional profile and celebrate the work of game wardens and their colleagues, conservation officers.[3] The name each group of professionals goes by depends on their governmental jurisdiction; for example, in Michigan the title "conservation officer" is used.
This museum's management has set forth a fourfold mission statement:
protecting "the wild" in an overcrowded, polluted and too-civilized planet, so that "natural gifts" are preserved for future generations through legal enforcement and public education;
recognizing the important and dangerous role of game wardens who often work alone in desolate and remote locations, facing armed foes;
honoring and memorializing fallen heroes and other officers, who work in a largely unsung role, thereby helping their morale, and
educating the public about the work and mission of conservation officers, thereby increasing support for their efforts.[2]
The museum emphasizes the multifaceted nature of the game warden's role.
Confronting armed poachers in rural and even remote locations can be lonely, dangerous and even fatal work for game wardens.[2][4] Recognition of the ultimate sacrifice of these officers at this museum is considered to be important, concomitant to recognition at the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial.[5]