Norman Alasdair Macleod (6 December 1927, in Glasgow – 2 October 1991) was a Scottish chess player and chess composer. He gained title Grandmaster of the FIDE for Chess Composition in 1993.
Solution: 1. Kd5? c1Q! 2. Sxc1 Qxb2 1. Ke4-f3! Rh5-h4 2. Kf3-g2 d3xe2 3. Kg2-f3 c2-c1S 4. Kf3-e4 Rh4-h5 5. Ke4-d5 Qa3-b4 6. Kd5-c6 Qb4-e7 7. Kc6-b5+ Qe7-b7 8. Bh1xb7#