No. 48 Squadron (Finnish: Lentolaivue 48 or Le.Lv.48), renamed No. 48 Bomber Squadron (Finnish: Pommituslentolaivue 48 or PLe.Lv.48 on 14 February 1944) was a bomber squadron of the Finnish Air Force during World War II. The squadron was part of Flying Regiment 4.
Continuation War
1st Flight (1. Lentue)
2nd Flight (2. Lentue)
3rd Flight (3. Lentue)
Ambulance Flight (Sairaankuljetuslentue)
Photography Flight or Flight Ahtiainen (Valokuvauslentue or Lentue Ahtiainen)
Separate Photography Flight (Erillinen valokuvauslentue or Er.Valok.Ltue.)