Niladhar Singh Deo, known as Niladrinath Singh Deo (1838 – 9 September 1891), was Raja of Sonepur from 1841 until his death in 1891.
He was born in 1838 to Prithvi Singh Deo and his wife Gundicha Devi.[1][2] He succeeded his father on 27 July 1841 as a minor.[3][4] He was educated and trained in matters of statecraft by his mother, Gundicha Devi.[5] He gained an intimate acquaintance with English and could converse in it with ease and fluency.[5][6] He used to read historical works in English.[5][6]Sir Richard Temple described him in 1863 as "fairly verseü in English," and that "considering the isolated country where he lives, his comparative enlightenment is a matter for gratification, almost for surprise."[6] Besides English, he was equally well-versed and proficient in Odia, Urdu, Sanskrit, and Bengali.[6] He was extremely popular and very loyal.[7] He obtained the title of Raja Bahadur for meritorious services rendered to British Government during the Sambalpur insurrection.[5][8][9][4][10] He died on 9 September 1891, and was succeeded by Pratap Rudra Singh Deo as Raja of Sonepur.[5][8][10]