Equivalently, for every binary relation with no decreasing infinite chains and satisfying a weak version of the diamond property, there is a unique minimal element in every connected component of the relation considered as a graph.
Today, this is seen as a purely combinatorial result based on well-foundedness due to a proof of Gérard Huet in 1980.[2] Newman's original proof was considerably more complicated.[3]
Diamond lemma
In general, Newman's lemma can be seen as a combinatorial result about binary relations → on a set A (written backwards, so that a → b means that b is below a) with the following two properties:
→ is a well-founded relation: every non-empty subset X of A has a minimal element (an element a of X such that a → b for no b in X). Equivalently, there is no infinite chain a0 → a1 → a2 → a3 → .... In the terminology of rewriting systems, → is terminating.
Every covering is bounded below. That is, if an element a in A covers elements b and c in A in the sense that a → b and a → c, then there is an element d in A such that b∗→d and c∗→d, where ∗→ denotes the reflexivetransitive closure of →. In the terminology of rewriting systems, → is locally confluent.
The lemma states that if the above two conditions hold, then → is confluent: whenever a∗→b and a∗→c, there is an element d such that b∗→d and c∗→d. In view of the termination of →, this implies that every connected component of → as a graph contains a unique minimal element a, moreover b∗→a for every element b of the component.[4]
^Gérard Huet, "Confluent Reductions: Abstract Properties and Applications to Term Rewriting Systems", Journal of the ACM (JACM), October 1980, Volume 27, Issue 4, pp. 797–821. https://doi.org/10.1145/322217.322230