The main forms of land tenure in Tanzania today are: Right of Occupancy - a title to the use and occupation of land; Customary or Traditional Land Tenure; and Communal Land Tenure. In practice, most agricultural land is held under either customary or communal systems and most of agricultural land is not surveyed. Few users have documents showing their legal rights and duties or even boundaries.[1]
The population of Kasulu district as per national census is 85,810 households with 626,742 people (328,448 females and 298,294 males);[7] and the main natural resources in Kasulu district are land, water (rivers), and forests; land is mainly used for peasantry farming, and there is small scale irrigation in the river valleys i.e. vegetable cultivation. The native ethnic group isn't “Waha” which is dominant, whereas the “Wasukuma” ethnic group away from Mwanza and Shinyanga regions is the minority. Generally, away from Kasulu district, land is not limited – there is big uncultivated land and adequate water sources; districts at nearby regions land is not limited as well, but it is comparatively less fertile; it receives inadequate and unreliable rainfall, and there are limited water sources.
Conflicts regarding natural resource use in Kasulu district have been resolved amicably through the systems in place, such as police and game reserve guards that cooperate with the community; leadership chain i.e. from Ten Cell Leader to the District Commissioner; Experts – there are Village Extension Agents, teachers, famous people, and others at village level who also contribute to the protection of natural resources and conflict resolution and; there are also scheduled conflict resolution meetings and ward tribunal councils aiming at discussing and resolving issues related to the natural resource use since they are not violent.[10] Hence, further and sustainable measures should be done to stop those conflicts from growing from non violent to violent stage.
^Document: Domestic water supply, competition for water resources and IWRM in Tanzania, Faustin P. Maganga, John A. Butterworth, and Patrick Moriarty Institute of Resource Assessment (IRA), University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Natural Resources Institute (NRI), Kent, UK, IRC International Water and Sanitation Center, Delft, Netherlands
Maganga F. P, Butterworth J. and Moriarty (2001): Domestic Water Supply, Competition for Water Resources and IWRM in Tanzania: A Review and discussion Paper, Proceedings of the Second WARFSA/Waternet Symponsium, Cape town, pp. 169 – 78.
Kauzeni A.S, Kikula I. S, Mohamed S.A & Lyimo J. G (December 1993), IIED Environmental Planning Issues No. 3 IRA Research Paper No. 35: Land Use Planning and Resource Assessment in Tanzania: A Case Study.
Tenga, R. (1992): Pastoral Land Rights in Tanzania: A Review. Drylands Programme: Pastoral Land Tenure Series. IIED, London. 24 pp.
James, R.W. and Fimbo, G.M. (1973): Customary Land Law of Tanzania: A Sourcebook, Nairobi, EALB.
Madulu, N.F. (2003) Population Distribution and Density in Tanzania: Experiences from 2002 Population and Housing Census in Tanzania.
World Bank (1992): Empowering Villages to Manage their Natural Resources: Rural Land Policy in Tanzania; A World Bank White Cover Paper; 33 pp.