Nathaniel Massie (December 28, 1763 – November 13, 1813) was a frontier surveyor in the Ohio Country (including the Virginia Military District)[1] who became a prominent land owner, politician, and soldier. He founded fourteen early towns in what became the State of Ohio, including its first capital, Chillicothe. In 1807, the Ohio General Assembly declared him the winner of the election for governor, but he refused the office.
A monument to Massie stands along U.S. Route 50, just west of Bainbridge, a town he founded. It commemorates his life, as well as marking the approximate location of his home in the Paint Valley. The memorial was dedicated in September 1938.[6]
The inscription on the monument reads: "Home Of General Nathaniel Massie. Built 1800, One Fourth Mile South. Nathaniel Massie, Born Goochland County, Virginia, December 28, 1763, 1800 Married Sarah Everard Mead, Died November 13, 1813. Revolutionary Soldier; Surveyor Of Wilderness Then Known As Northwest Territory And Locator Of Revolutionary War Land Grants. 1786-87 Cut Road Lexington, Kentucky To Great Kanawha River. 1791 Founded Manchester, Ohio. 1790-94 Explored Little Miami And Scioto Rivers To Their Sources. April 1796 Founded Chillicothe, Ohio. Massie Was Member Of Convention Framing First Ohio Constitution. Was First Speaker Of State Legislature. 1799 Organized First Militia Northwest Territory. Commissioned Major General. 1805 Founded Bainbridge, Ohio, One Of Fourteen Towns Founded By Him. Erected By The Ohio Society Daughters Of The American Colonists - Sept. 21, 1938."
Nathaniel Massie monument located on US Highway 50 west of Bainbridge, Ohio.