Ball has served as a host on the PBS Kids show Design Squad since its first aired in 2007. Ball has also appeared in an episode of MythBusters, a History Channel special on Batman technology, an insurance advertisement, and in a Fetch! with Ruff Ruffman season 4 episode. Ball was featured in the Nova episode The Secret Life of Scientists and Engineers.[2] He is the author of the Alien in my Pocket series of science-adventure chapter books for kids.[3]
In 2005 he co-founded a business to develop the Atlas Powered Ascender,[4] a tool he helped create that enables "reverse rappelling" up vertical surfaces at high speed.[5] He was awarded the Lemelson-MIT Prize in 2007 for his work on the Atlas Powered Ascender,[6] an improved needle-free jet injector system, and his work in engineering outreach with children. He is listed as the co-inventor on six patent applications, including for the Powered Rope Ascender.[7]