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Ongoing COVID-19 viral pandemic in Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha COVID-19 pandemic in Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da CunhaDiseaseCOVID-19Virus strainSARS-CoV-2LocationSaint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da CunhaArrival date24 December 2020(3 years, 3 months and 4 days)Confirmed cases42+[1]Active cases1Suspected cases‡7Recovered41+Deaths0Government website

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1949 film Hello, Fraulein!Directed byRudolf JugertWritten byMargot HielscherHelmut WeissStarringMargot HielscherHans SöhnkerPeter van EyckCinematographyGeorg BruckbauerEdited byLuise Dreyer-SachsenbergMusic byFriedrich MeyerProductioncompanyBavaria FilmDistributed byHerzog-FilmverleihRelease date13 May 1949Running time84 minutesCountryWest GermanyLanguageGerman Hello, Fraulein! (German: Hallo, Fräulein!) is a 1949 German musical film directed by Rudolf Jugert and starring Margot Hielscher, ...

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Line of ancestors and descendants of a person Part of a series on theAnthropology of kinship Basic concepts Family Lineage Affinity Consanguinity Marriage Incest taboo Endogamy Exogamy Moiety Monogamy Polygyny Polygamy Concubinage Polyandry Bride price Bride service Dowry Parallel / cross cousins Cousin marriage Levirate Sororate Posthumous marriage Joking relationship Clan Cohabitation Fictive / Milk / Nurture kinship Descent Cognatic / Bilateral Matrilate...

Hidrogenolisis adalah suatu reaksi kimia dimana suatu ikatan tunggal karbon–karbon atau karbon–heteroatom mengalami pembelahan atau mengalami lisis (pemecahan) oleh hidrogen.[1] Heteroatom dapat bervariasi, tetapi biasanya adalah oksigen, nitrogen, atau belerang. Reaksi yang terkait adalah hidrogenasi, di mana hidrogen ditambahkan ke molekul, tanpa mengikat ikatan. Biasanya hidrogenolisis dilakukan secara katalitik dengan menggunakan gas hidrogen. Sejarah Istilah hidrogenolisis di...

ヨハネス12世 第130代 ローマ教皇 教皇就任 955年12月16日教皇離任 964年5月14日先代 アガペトゥス2世次代 レオ8世個人情報出生 937年スポレート公国(中部イタリア)スポレート死去 964年5月14日 教皇領、ローマ原国籍 スポレート公国親 父アルベリーコ2世(スポレート公)、母アルダその他のヨハネステンプレートを表示 ヨハネス12世(Ioannes XII、937年 - 964年5月14日)は、ロ...

Indigenous inhabitants of Melanesia Ethnic group MelanesiansBiak in Southwest Papua, IndonesiaLanguagesMelanesian languages, Papuan languages, Indonesian, English, English-based creoles, Rabaul Creole German, FrenchReligionPredominantly Christianity, minority traditional Melanesian religion, and IslamRelated ethnic groupsAboriginal Australians, Austronesian peoples, Euronesians Melanesians are the predominant and indigenous inhabitants of Melanesia, in an area stretching from New Guinea to th...

Part of a series on theCulture of France HistoryFrance in the Middle Ages • Early Modern France • Ancien Régime • French Wars of Religion • Louis XIV of France • French Revolution • Napoleonic wars • French Third Republic • France in the 20th century People LanguagesFrench • Alsatian • Breton • Catalan • Corsican • Gallo • Languages of New Caledonia • Occitan • Tahitian Mythology and folklo...

Overview of anarchism in The Philippines Part of a series onAnarchism History Outline Schools of thought Feminist Green Primitivist Social ecology Total liberation Individualist Egoist Free-market Naturist Philosophical Mutualism Postcolonial African Black Queer Religious Christian Jewish Social Collectivist Parecon Communist Magonism Without adjectives Methodology Agorism Illegalism Insurrectionary Communization Expropriative Pacifist Platformism Especifismo Relationship Syndicalist Synthesi...

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Dąbrowa Tarnowska ialah sebuah kota besar tua di Provinsi Polandia Kecil, Polandia bagian selatan. Dąbrowa Tarnowska didirikan pada abad ke-16 dan dianugerahi hak kota pada tahun 1693. Serba-serbi Luas wilayah: 23,07 km² Penduduk: 11.435 jiwa (2006) Kepadatan penduduk: 508 jiwa/km² Ketinggian: 120 m dpl Wali kota: Stanisław Początek Kode pos: 33-200 Kode wilayah: +48 14 Plat nomor: KDA Kota kembar Kotamadya distrik Vilnius, Lituania Rixheim, Prancis Wikimedia Commons memiliki media men...

Questa voce o sezione sull'argomento centri abitati del Maryland non cita le fonti necessarie o quelle presenti sono insufficienti. Puoi migliorare questa voce aggiungendo citazioni da fonti attendibili secondo le linee guida sull'uso delle fonti. Takoma ParkcityTakoma Park – Veduta LocalizzazioneStato Stati Uniti Stato federato Maryland ConteaMontgomery AmministrazioneSindacoBruce Williams (D) TerritorioCoordinate38°58′48″N 77°00′08″W38°58′48″N, 77°00′08″...

Антонина Ивановна Посоха Дата рождения 25 декабря 1932(1932-12-25) Место рождения Гришково, Волочковский сельсовет, Новодугинский район, Западная область, РСФСР, СССР Дата смерти 12 июня 2006(2006-06-12) (73 года) Место смерти Октябрьское, Петуховский район, Курганская область, Росси...

This article is about the mathematical concept. For the sociology term, see group action (sociology). Transformations induced by a mathematical group Algebraic structure → Group theoryGroup theory Basic notions Subgroup Normal subgroup Group action Quotient group (Semi-)direct product Direct sum Free product Wreath product Group homomorphisms kernel image simple finite infinite continuous multiplicative additive cyclic abelian dihedral nilpotent solvable Glossary of group theory List of gro...

American baseball player (born 1954) Baseball player Gary LucasLucas with the Beloit Snappers in 2008PitcherBorn: (1954-11-08) November 8, 1954 (age 69)Riverside, California, U.S.Batted: LeftThrew: LeftMLB debutApril 16, 1980, for the San Diego PadresLast MLB appearanceOctober 3, 1987, for the California AngelsMLB statisticsWin–loss record29–44Earned run average3.01Strikeouts410Saves63 Teams San Diego Padres (1980–1983) Montreal Expos (1984–1985) Cal...