PGC 27423,
UGC 5131,
MCG 1-25-6,
CGCG 35-15,
VV 316,
NPM1G +02.0225
Elliptical galaxy in the constellation Hydra
NGC 2937 is an elliptical galaxy located in the constellation Hydra. Its velocity relative to the cosmic microwave background is 105.1 ± 7.4 km/s, which corresponds to a Hubble distance of 105.1 ± 7.4 Mpc (∼343 million ly).[1] NGC 2937 was discovered by German astronomer Albert Marth in 1864.
NGC 2937 is in a strong gravitational interaction with its neighbor NGC 2936, a peculiar spiral galaxy . This interaction has given the latter an appearance that is far from that of a spiral galaxy. The shape of NGC 2936 has earned it the nickname of the "porpoise galaxy".[2]
Together, these two galaxies appear in Halton Arp'sAtlas of Peculiar Galaxies under the code Arp 142.[3] Halton Arp uses them as an example from an elliptical galaxy.[4] This pair of galaxies also appears in the Catalog of Collisional Ring Galaxies by Madore, Nelson and Petrillo.[5]