Muskom was the Central Commissariat of Muslim affairs in Inner Russia and Siberia set up by the Bolsheviks in January 1918 as part of Narkomnats.[1]Mullanur Waxitov was appointed as chair, although he was not a member of the Communist Party. Mirsäyet Soltanğäliev served as the representative of the Bolsheviks.
An initial congress was organised in November 1918. A second congress was organised in November 1919 and was addressed by Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin.[2]
Central Muslim Military Collegium
Attached to Muskom was the Central Muslim Military Collegium (CMMC), which organised Muslim troops into a fighting force on the Red side. Soltanğäliev was appointed its chair in December 1918. Karim Tinchurin was the chief of the culture department.