The film begins at the central jail on the 15th of August. Ranjit Kumar is a malignant semblance as honorable is invited on whom a feral prisoner, Vijay Kumar, onslaught. Since he holds a previous rivalry, he is opposed by plucky Superintendent Sarada Devi. Inspector Neeraj Kumar, a sheer cop, is hard towards miscreants, which his friend advocate Mala denies. As she believes they will be reformed via solicitude. Hence, they challenge molding a hardcore criminal when Sarada makes her acquaintance with Vijay. Initially, he detests her but later understands her virtue and spins back. Vijay is virtuous in a village and aims to contract a hospital for the poor with the aid of his fiancée, Dr. Rekha, and sanctions land. Consequently, Ranjit intends to squat it when he kills Rekha and incriminates Vijay. Mala reopened the case and acquitted Vijay on parole with Sarada's assurance. Forthwith, he absconds to wipe out Ranjit, where Vijay is startled to view his sibling Kamla as Ranjit's wife and bars. Afterward, Vijay learns that Ranjit knitted her to save himself from him. Now, Vijay resides at Sarada's residence, is cordial to her daughter Pinky, and runs a taxi. In tandem, Vijay & Mala fall in love. Besides, Ranjith's ploys and heirs are goons, and Jagan divorced Sarada's husband. Whereat, he tries to molest Kamla, and Vijay arrives at her rescue. Exploiting it, Ranjith slaughters Jagan, which again charges Vijay, and the court penalizes the death penalty. Neeraj cracks the mystery here but is seized with Mala and Kamla. Knowing it, Vijay breaks the bars and strikes Ranjit. At last, Sarada eliminates Ranjith and surrenders. Finally, the movie ends with Neeraj leaving his breath while guarding Vijay.