The Motorola Aura was a series of luxury mobile phones introduced by Motorola as part of its 4LTR product line. Announced in October 2008, the device became available in December 2008. The Aura R1 was initially planned as a standalone model. However, in 2009, three additional models were added to the line: two variations of the Aura Diamond Edition and the Aura Celestial Edition. The original retail price of the Aura was approximately $2,000 USD. The device featured a stainless steel body, a sapphire[1] crystal lens, and was packaged in a wooden box.
The AURA phone had a circular display with a resolution of 300 DPI (dots per inch). To accommodate this design, the Aura incorporated a 300° swivel mechanism with Swiss-made gears composed of Rockwell 50-55 hardened steel and 130 ball bearings.[2] The phone operated on Motorola’s 'MotoMagx' operating system.
The Aura R1 was launched with a price of approximately US$2,000. It featured GSM technology, 2GB of internal memory, and a user interface optimized for its circular display, which was a 1.55" screen with a resolution of 300 DPI.[3]
In 2009, two additional editions of the Aura were announced at the Mobile World Congress: the Diamond Edition and the Gold Edition. Both editions were designed by Alexander Amosu. The Diamond Edition featured 90 diamonds set around the circular display, while the Gold Edition had a 24-carat gold--plated housing.[4] Both editions were produced in limited quantities.
In July 2009, Motorola released another edition was released to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon landing. Motorola contributed communication equipment for the Apollo 11 mission. The first unit was gifted to Neil Armstrong.
In October 2009, the Aura Diamond Edition was released. This version featured an 18-carat gold plating and 34 diamonds set around its screen and navigation buttons. Its launch price was US$5,730 (£3,500, €3,800).[5] Both the Diamond and Celestial editions were showcased at Mobile World Congress 2010.