Mother Nature is a graphic novel created by actress Jamie Lee Curtis adapted from her screenplay of an upcoming film for Blumhouse Productions and her production company Comet Pictures. The comic, billed as eco-conscious fiction, follows Nova Terrell, a young woman whose father was killed on the site of Cobalt Corporation, a corrupt oil company, discovering she has supernatural powers.[1][2]
The main character, Nova Terrel, uses vigilant tactics of vandalism and sabotage against Cobalt Corporation.
The comic was debuted at San Diego Comic-Con 2023, during which Jamie Lee Curtis introduced the comic.[3] SDCC attendees had the chance to buy an early release of the comic. In addition, there were 100 copies of an alternative cover.
Nova Terrel watched her father die on a Cobalt Corporation oil extraction, she grows up hating the company. The story takes place in the fictional town of Catch Creek, New Mexico. She goes on a revenge campaign of vigilantism using vandalism and sabotage against Cobalt Corporation.
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