The Times of India gave the film three stars out of five, and praised the performances of Swwapnil Joshi, Sai Deodhar, Neena Kulkarni and felt that, the way the characters of the film gave life to the narrative was appreciable. Concluding, they wrote "Mogra Phulaalaa makes for a decent watch because it sensibly portrays the family equations in families today. Watch it for the same.[6]
Chitrali Chogle of the Times Now
gave the film two and half stars out of five, and concurred with TOI in praising the performances of entire cast. Summing up Chogle noted, "Mogra Phulaalaa is a good film with all the masala, drama and story, but has some missing points and some loopholes. Nevertheless, the film is entertaining enough to be seen and enjoyed with family."[3]