The story follows the life of Diana, a pre-teen who lives in a neighborhood called Buenaventura, along with her friends, Alonso, Federica, Rodrigo, Alejandro and Dany. Christian has moved from New York to Mexico due to his parents' divorce. Diana and Christian quickly become best friends, despite their families hatred for each other. Years before, Christian's father and Diana's mother were in love, but their relationship was soured by Severiano, Christian's grumpy and selfish grandfather.
However, the neighbors of Buenaventura have even darker futures, as they are in danger of losing their homes, their school and much more, because the evil old Severiano plans to tear down the neighborhood and build an enormous shopping mall in its place. To accomplish his plan, Severiano is willing to resort to any means, and will provoke a series of disasters to drive the inhabitants away.
The decrepit old theater is the children's favorite spot, and this is where they meet a mysterious little man who will change their lives and the fate of Buenaventura forever. Chaneque, a friendly elf, is a magical being who is on an important mission: to save his elf-world from destruction. Chaneque convinces the group of young friends to join in his quest to save his dying world. From that point, the children and their new friend embark on an exhilarating series of adventures. During their fantastic journey, they gather important clues to save their own neighborhood as well. But once this mission is accomplished, will Christian and Diana also find a way to end the feud between their families and bring them together forever?
Maribel Guardia as Ximena Lozano, adult heroine, Salvador's love interest
Guillermo Capetillo as Salvador Martinez, adult hero, Ximena's love interest