The Prince of Talleyrand was again called to form a government by Louis XVIII, after the arrival of the King in Saint-Denis on 7 July.[1]
Talleyrand formally formed his government on 9 July, keeping for himself the office of Minister of Foreign Affairs. The cabinet was composed mainly of Doctrinaires, liberal royalists who formed a moderate group inside the Chamber of Deputies, opposed to the more radical Ultras.
However, after 2 months and 17 days, Tallayrand resigned for three reasons:
The pressure exercised on Louis XVIII by Tsar Alexander I, who disliked the presence of many ex-Bonapartists in the new government, and called for the creation of a conservative government
The results of the August elections, that permitted the creation a parliamentary majority of Ultras (350 out of 400 seats), who were hostile to ex-Bonapartists Talleyrand and Minister Joseph Fouché, a regicide who was ousted from office in September 1815 and exiled.